2007年11月3日 星期六


" Whatever will be, will be, the future's not ours to see, Que Sara, Sara." This is quoted from a song by Doris Day. It tells us that our future is unpredictable and unforeseen, so whatever will happen will happen. Still, people are always curious about their future and want to know more about their destiny.

I love to read astrology books and the columns in the newspaper and take them with a grain of salt. The reason why I want to read these articles is because I take their advice as a warning, so that I can correct and remind myself of my mistake. Several years ago, I went to see a fortune-teller in I-LAN. She told me I will stop studying after 27 and will get married at 29. I had expected that the fortune-teller I went to see would be accurate, but she turned out to be not so accurate. I didn't get married at 29 and still kept studying after 27. I held her predictions in my mind after that day until one day I went to a church. There they had a ritual to remove all the spells and curses from evil. I thought it might be the reason why the fortune-teller I saw was not accurate since then.

Even though my aunt also told me I have to accept my fate, I still believe no one's destiny is fixed. We still can fulfill our dreams and reach our goal if we try our best. The only one who understands me best is not my aunt or the fortune-tellers, but myself. Everyone has his/her own talent and potential in some way. You can choose to limit yourself or surpass the difficulties.

Are you afraid of getting old or dying?

Most women are afraid of getting old, so they try to make themselves look younger. As for me, I am no exception. " Getting old and gray" feels the same as losing a competition. Elderly people may have more experience and resources on hand. However, youth is invincible. It represents creativity, energy and possibility. How to keep young is always the pursuit of women, but life is more than that.
Life is a journey that will come to an end. We may come across some obstacles, some difficulties or some pains in life. We all need to face death one day. It is simply a matter of how to use our time. All we have is time. Therefore, we need to make sure about what we need and live with dignity. As an old proverb says "Time and tides wait for no man", we should always keep ourselves prepared in order to meet challenges. Life is a journey of no return. No matter what age we are at, there is no time for us to regret. All we can do is keep moving forward.