2007年6月23日 星期六

Losing Wallet- :Don't judge a person by his appearance--06/23/2007( Eunice..again)

可能是畢業了,同學都没空寫東西, 那我就來寫一下我第一次掉錢包的事情好了..這是發生在五六年的事了..
Ilost my wallet two times. Speaking of the first experience, although I didn't catch the pickpocket in the act, I did know who did it. I think it was the time when I was pulling out a wad of notes to pay some bills at the post office that my wallet was stolen. The pickpocket was just standing beside me trying to send a registered letter with his name and telephone on the envelope. What impressed me most was he was sending a passport and he was good-looking and well-dressed. However, he and the other beautiful lady tried to push me back and forth. It made me uncomfortable at that time, so I took a glance at them. I was filling out some forms and didn't pay attention to that push. I was not aware of losing my wallet until I came back to the office. I was very anxious because inside my wallet I still had NT$9000, two credit cards and an ID card.
The first suspect that came to the top of my head was that good-looking guy and the lady. I called the bank to cancel the credit cards and called police immediately. I also requested a member of the staff in the post office to show the video tape to support my doubt. Unfortunately the surveillance camera didn't catch the action, but postal clerk held the envelope of the suspect in her hand. Therefore, I hoped they ccould give me that number, so that I could call the person. In fact, I was only 80% sure of him being the pickpocket. Originally, the postal clerk refused to reveal the person's information until the police came. I called the person and told him that the camera had already recorded what he did. I told him(bluffed him) if he can return my money back, I will not ask the police to take action. Luckily, he admitted his wrongdoings and returned my money back. but he said he threw away my ID card and credit cards. I am still wondering if he was related to some criminals who are good at issuing some fake passports today ??

2 則留言:

NTUST_93_AFL 提到...

哇噻 Eunice 妳很猛耶 自己抓到小偷 還把錢要了回來.厲害厲害~可以加入柯南行列.

我前陣子也掉了錢包 證件,信用卡 全都沒了
還和花旗吵起來 高傲的銀行 乾脆剪了


Eunice 提到...

謝謝啦..這完全有賴平日耳聽八方, 眼觀四面, 更何況那個人是個帥哥..