1. We enclose our descriptive price list at F.O.B. Taiwan& C.I.F. L.A. from which you will know our best delivery time is 90 days after receiving your irrevocable and acceptable L/C at sight.
2. Please note the validity of this quotation is 30 days. The Minimum quality of a trial order is 400 pcs, restricted to a choice of two models.
3. Due to the rise in material cost and the repeated appreciated of RMB to USD, we can not but increase our price in the near future. Therefore, we suggest you to place your orders with us as soon as possible.
4. Because we want to set up our business relationship with you, we offer you a very low price. However, it will be increased very soon, so you had better use this rare offer immediately to place your orders with us without hesitation.
5. Thank you for your letter of September 20, asking for the best terms of our lady's handbags.
As per your request, we enclose our latest catalog and price list for your reference.
6. As you know, NTD has been appreciated for 5% and this year's labor cost also has been raised for 10%, If you cannot confirm the order before the end of the month, we will adjust the price.
6. Sorry, we can't quote the price or take the order, because capacity is full till the end of June.
7. Sorry for the late reply to your enquiry, because we just came back from the exhibition. The specification you asked is not clear. we need to know the following details: Quantity, color and tolerance.
8. Thank you for your enquiry, due to dumping problem, this product cannot be exported to U.S. within one year.
9. Analyzing the current market situation, you will clearly know why it is difficult to sell your products at the original price.
10. The best price we can offer you is USD36 per dozen, if you order is over 5000 dozens.
11. We are interested in setting up business relationship with you, so if your order is over 3000pcs, we will give you 5% discount. Besides, owing to the repeated appreciation of NTD, if your payment is by T/T before shipment, we will give you 5% cash discount.
12. We protect buyers' interest by offering value-for money items at value -for money prices.
13. flat season / calm season / off-peak season/ Light season 淡季
2007年11月4日 星期日
2007年11月3日 星期六
" Whatever will be, will be, the future's not ours to see, Que Sara, Sara." This is quoted from a song by Doris Day. It tells us that our future is unpredictable and unforeseen, so whatever will happen will happen. Still, people are always curious about their future and want to know more about their destiny.
I love to read astrology books and the columns in the newspaper and take them with a grain of salt. The reason why I want to read these articles is because I take their advice as a warning, so that I can correct and remind myself of my mistake. Several years ago, I went to see a fortune-teller in I-LAN. She told me I will stop studying after 27 and will get married at 29. I had expected that the fortune-teller I went to see would be accurate, but she turned out to be not so accurate. I didn't get married at 29 and still kept studying after 27. I held her predictions in my mind after that day until one day I went to a church. There they had a ritual to remove all the spells and curses from evil. I thought it might be the reason why the fortune-teller I saw was not accurate since then.
Even though my aunt also told me I have to accept my fate, I still believe no one's destiny is fixed. We still can fulfill our dreams and reach our goal if we try our best. The only one who understands me best is not my aunt or the fortune-tellers, but myself. Everyone has his/her own talent and potential in some way. You can choose to limit yourself or surpass the difficulties.
I love to read astrology books and the columns in the newspaper and take them with a grain of salt. The reason why I want to read these articles is because I take their advice as a warning, so that I can correct and remind myself of my mistake. Several years ago, I went to see a fortune-teller in I-LAN. She told me I will stop studying after 27 and will get married at 29. I had expected that the fortune-teller I went to see would be accurate, but she turned out to be not so accurate. I didn't get married at 29 and still kept studying after 27. I held her predictions in my mind after that day until one day I went to a church. There they had a ritual to remove all the spells and curses from evil. I thought it might be the reason why the fortune-teller I saw was not accurate since then.
Even though my aunt also told me I have to accept my fate, I still believe no one's destiny is fixed. We still can fulfill our dreams and reach our goal if we try our best. The only one who understands me best is not my aunt or the fortune-tellers, but myself. Everyone has his/her own talent and potential in some way. You can choose to limit yourself or surpass the difficulties.
Are you afraid of getting old or dying?
Most women are afraid of getting old, so they try to make themselves look younger. As for me, I am no exception. " Getting old and gray" feels the same as losing a competition. Elderly people may have more experience and resources on hand. However, youth is invincible. It represents creativity, energy and possibility. How to keep young is always the pursuit of women, but life is more than that.
Life is a journey that will come to an end. We may come across some obstacles, some difficulties or some pains in life. We all need to face death one day. It is simply a matter of how to use our time. All we have is time. Therefore, we need to make sure about what we need and live with dignity. As an old proverb says "Time and tides wait for no man", we should always keep ourselves prepared in order to meet challenges. Life is a journey of no return. No matter what age we are at, there is no time for us to regret. All we can do is keep moving forward.
Life is a journey that will come to an end. We may come across some obstacles, some difficulties or some pains in life. We all need to face death one day. It is simply a matter of how to use our time. All we have is time. Therefore, we need to make sure about what we need and live with dignity. As an old proverb says "Time and tides wait for no man", we should always keep ourselves prepared in order to meet challenges. Life is a journey of no return. No matter what age we are at, there is no time for us to regret. All we can do is keep moving forward.
2007年10月14日 星期日
Saving Money
We all know "money talks" and that is why saving money is important. I used to have a budget to save my money by making a list of how much I spent each day in detail. By doing so, I could clearly understand what kind of things that I had bought that were unnecessary and what was my cash flow. It did help me save a small amount of money. However, things have changed after my aunt told me it is of no use to plan and list what I had spent because she said my salary is limited. The thing she told me was to spend as little as you could. I did follow her words and stopped budgeting by keeping my living expenses as low as possible, but I found I didn't save as much as used to.
I thought the problem was I stopped my daily bookkeeping and overall budget control. The method that my aunt that my aunt told me did not work for me well because sometimes I cannot control my shopping desires that made me over-budget. The importance of saving money is the same as that of budgeting and spending. Although I didn't know how to invest my money in stocks or funds, at the very least, I learned a lesson on saving money.
I thought the problem was I stopped my daily bookkeeping and overall budget control. The method that my aunt that my aunt told me did not work for me well because sometimes I cannot control my shopping desires that made me over-budget. The importance of saving money is the same as that of budgeting and spending. Although I didn't know how to invest my money in stocks or funds, at the very least, I learned a lesson on saving money.
2007年9月3日 星期一
2007年8月30日 星期四
Fw: 趣味~你的名字屬於哪種名牌
這種測驗法是以姓名來計算的,就是把姓名的注音符號代表的數字加起來,倘若超過10 以上則是將兩數字 <再加一次> ~
ㄅ =1 ㄉ =2 ㄍ =2 ㄐ =2 ㄓ =3 ㄗ =2 ㄧ =1 ㄚ =2 ㄞ =3 ㄢ =2 ㄦ =2 ㄆ =2 ㄊ =3 ㄎ =2 ㄑ =1 ㄔ =3 ㄘ =2 ㄨ =2 ㄛ =2 ㄟ =1 ㄣ =1ㄇ =2 ㄋ =1 ㄏ =2 ㄒ =2 ㄕ =3 ㄙ =2 ㄩ =1 ㄜ =2 ㄠ =3 ㄤ =3 ㄈ =2 ㄌ =2 ㄖ =3 ㄝ =3 ㄡ =2 ㄥ =1
一聲 = 1 二聲 = 2 三聲 = 2 四聲 = 3 輕聲 = 0 範例: 王 ㄨㄤ ˊ 阿ㄚ 呆ㄉㄞ ↓↓↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 2+3+2+ 2+ 1 + +2+3+1 =16 然後再 1 + 6 = 7 加起來若是 .... 1→ nike 2→ puma 3→ adidas 4→ timberland
5→ vens 6 → camper 7 → DC 8 → globe 9 →all start 10 → polo
nike: 擁有帝王般性格
個性: 冷靜、驕傲、自尊心強,具有獨特的創意,屬於行動派。
戀情: 忽冷忽熱,渴望轟轟烈烈的愛情。
puma: 害羞不敢表達愛意。
個性: 屬於會偷偷躲在一旁照顧他人的類型,沉著、冷靜,能給大家帶來安全感。
戀情: 不懂得把握戀愛機會。
adidas: 熱心,且佔有慾強。
個性: 不服輸的個性讓人難以捉摸,有熱情如火的一面,也有歇斯底里的一面。
戀情: 喜歡你的人很多,但受得了你的人卻很少。
timberland : 夢幻與現實交遞型。
個性: 是個很有魅力的人,感情豐富,對於華麗而富貴的生活充滿嚮往之心。
戀情: 具有高雅氣質,喜歡奢侈的戀愛模式,對方必須多金才能吸引你。
vens :八面玲瓏的 社交家
個性: 個性單純,有天真浪漫的性情,愛慕虛榮,能獲得長輩的喜愛與信任。
戀情: 崇尚一國風情,易被花言巧語迷惑。
camper : 具有明星般架 勢
個性: 做人做事異常認真,任情而倔強,希望能獲得眾人的讚美與肯定。
戀情: 是一個會對真愛奉獻出一切的人,小心別因太過信任情人而被受欺騙。
DC : 完美的夢想家 個性:
戀情: 容易因對方的高學歷或懂得奉承而迷失。
globe : 外在隨和內心頑固
個性: 喜歡堅持己見,討厭失敗的感覺,是才華洋溢型。
戀情: 個性高傲,不懂得向情人道歉。
all start : 喜歡生活充滿 變化
個性: 不管走道哪兒都很受歡迎,容易洞悉他人的想法。
戀情: 多強善變,缺乏魅力或不懂得生活情趣的人捉不住他。
polo : 外柔內剛的行 動派
個性: 具有堅強的意志力,常在危急時表現出高人一等的應變能力,是個不顧一切的行動派。 戀情:常談不可思議的戀愛,是個喜歡戀愛的人,因為是真心付出,所以感情若不順利就容易受傷害。
這種測驗法是以姓名來計算的,就是把姓名的注音符號代表的數字加起來,倘若超過10 以上則是將兩數字 <再加一次> ~
ㄅ =1 ㄉ =2 ㄍ =2 ㄐ =2 ㄓ =3 ㄗ =2 ㄧ =1 ㄚ =2 ㄞ =3 ㄢ =2 ㄦ =2 ㄆ =2 ㄊ =3 ㄎ =2 ㄑ =1 ㄔ =3 ㄘ =2 ㄨ =2 ㄛ =2 ㄟ =1 ㄣ =1ㄇ =2 ㄋ =1 ㄏ =2 ㄒ =2 ㄕ =3 ㄙ =2 ㄩ =1 ㄜ =2 ㄠ =3 ㄤ =3 ㄈ =2 ㄌ =2 ㄖ =3 ㄝ =3 ㄡ =2 ㄥ =1
一聲 = 1 二聲 = 2 三聲 = 2 四聲 = 3 輕聲 = 0 範例: 王 ㄨㄤ ˊ 阿ㄚ 呆ㄉㄞ ↓↓↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 2+3+2+ 2+ 1 + +2+3+1 =16 然後再 1 + 6 = 7 加起來若是 .... 1→ nike 2→ puma 3→ adidas 4→ timberland
5→ vens 6 → camper 7 → DC 8 → globe 9 →all start 10 → polo
nike: 擁有帝王般性格
個性: 冷靜、驕傲、自尊心強,具有獨特的創意,屬於行動派。
戀情: 忽冷忽熱,渴望轟轟烈烈的愛情。
puma: 害羞不敢表達愛意。
個性: 屬於會偷偷躲在一旁照顧他人的類型,沉著、冷靜,能給大家帶來安全感。
戀情: 不懂得把握戀愛機會。
adidas: 熱心,且佔有慾強。
個性: 不服輸的個性讓人難以捉摸,有熱情如火的一面,也有歇斯底里的一面。
戀情: 喜歡你的人很多,但受得了你的人卻很少。
timberland : 夢幻與現實交遞型。
個性: 是個很有魅力的人,感情豐富,對於華麗而富貴的生活充滿嚮往之心。
戀情: 具有高雅氣質,喜歡奢侈的戀愛模式,對方必須多金才能吸引你。
vens :八面玲瓏的 社交家
個性: 個性單純,有天真浪漫的性情,愛慕虛榮,能獲得長輩的喜愛與信任。
戀情: 崇尚一國風情,易被花言巧語迷惑。
camper : 具有明星般架 勢
個性: 做人做事異常認真,任情而倔強,希望能獲得眾人的讚美與肯定。
戀情: 是一個會對真愛奉獻出一切的人,小心別因太過信任情人而被受欺騙。
DC : 完美的夢想家 個性:
戀情: 容易因對方的高學歷或懂得奉承而迷失。
globe : 外在隨和內心頑固
個性: 喜歡堅持己見,討厭失敗的感覺,是才華洋溢型。
戀情: 個性高傲,不懂得向情人道歉。
all start : 喜歡生活充滿 變化
個性: 不管走道哪兒都很受歡迎,容易洞悉他人的想法。
戀情: 多強善變,缺乏魅力或不懂得生活情趣的人捉不住他。
polo : 外柔內剛的行 動派
個性: 具有堅強的意志力,常在危急時表現出高人一等的應變能力,是個不顧一切的行動派。 戀情:常談不可思議的戀愛,是個喜歡戀愛的人,因為是真心付出,所以感情若不順利就容易受傷害。
2007年8月9日 星期四
早上到早餐店買早餐 等待時間看報紙 看到一則很好用的資訊
跟老闆娘要報紙拿回家給老媽看 順便把它打一打po出來分享...
【老闆不要看! 辦公室省錢術25招】(轉載於2007/7/29自由時報)
第1招 必備打包袋辦公桌抽屜裡隨時備妥乾淨的密封袋或保鮮盒,公司開會或辦活動所訂的茶點有剩下,務必打包不手軟。
第2招 剩便當又一餐公司開大會訂便當總是會多訂,別害羞,裝窮裝餓也要帶回去抵一餐。
第3招 舊報紙環保又省錢公司的過期報紙打包回家擦玻璃、擦鏡子、既能廢物利用,又可省下清潔劑。
第4招 垃圾變黃金公司傳真紙剩下的紙捲反正都是要丟掉,不如收集10個帶回家串成一個隔熱墊,變成好用的生活用品。
第5招 善用網路資源下班後不要急著撥手機給朋友,留在離開座位上邊吹免錢冷氣邊MSN,跟大夥把週末聚餐或唱歌的時間地點都約好,順便把餐廳折價券列印出來再走。
第6招 順手影印好方便偶有要影印身分証或列印資料,眼前現成的影印機和印表機就能救急,但務必低調再低調,才不會變成老闆眼中釘。
第7招 勞力換福利絕不花錢買飲料,但主動幫大家訂飲料,買十送一的那一杯就是自己的。
第8招 補知識免花錢不用錢的書報雜誌最好看,公司總會訂一、兩份報紙雜誌,下班看個痛快再回家。
第9招 用功K書好地方如果要準備英檢或證照考試,下班後更要留在公司這個免費K書中心準備,遠離電視和床鋪的誘惑,還有冷氣可吹,順便讓主管了解你是多麼努力充實自己的優秀員工。
第10招 家庭省電再出招手機、筆記型電腦都是上班要用到的東西,在公司充電不為過吧!直接把變壓器都放在辦公桌抽屜裡,徹底執行省錢畫。
第11招 小文具也好用利用公司制式的信紙、信封,寫信給久未連絡的親朋好友連絡感情。
第12招 截角好康不錯過主動整理公司舊報紙和過期雜誌,因為報紙雜誌常有折價券、優惠截角和印花抽獎活動,趁機通通剪下來。
第13招 水資源不浪費養成習慣固定進公司後再到洗手間「清腸胃」,省了一次水費和衛生紙,積少成多也是錢。
第14招 行動面紙也省錢把洗手間整捲衛生紙A走怕良心不安?每次上完廁所,都順便抽三、五張紙放口袋備用總說得過去吧!從此不用花錢買隨手包面紙。
第15招 省油也省錢開車載順路的同事一起上下班,然後一起分擔油錢,人越多越省。反過來當那個搭順風車的人更省!
第16招 廢物利用真環保公司月曆、日曆總是要有人撕,順手撕下來帶回家摺成小垃圾袋,餐桌上裝魚骨、雞骨最好用。寄到公司的廣告傳單也是很好的材料喔!
第17招 用得到就不浪費自備環保筷是好事,但如果同事們集體訂便當,剛好有多的免洗筷和湯匙,不帶回家用掉也是浪費。
第18招 省水必殺技只要夠早出門,不但不怕塞車遲到,還有時間利用公司洗手間刷牙、洗臉,順便讓主管看見你一早就出現在座位上,塑造勤奮形象。 (這也太誇張)
第19招 多喝水不花錢不敢拿空瓶從公司茶水間裝水回家喝嗎?那就趁著在公司的時間努力灌水,盡量把人體一天所需水量喝足。
第20招 自帶便當省餐費利用晚餐飯菜多做一個便當,隔天一早帶到公司冰箱冰起來,中午用茶水間的微波爐熱來吃,省餐費省電費。
第21招 回收紙再利用把公司只印一面的影印紙收集起來裝訂做成冊,當成便條紙、筆記本、計算紙、辦公自用兩相宜。
第22招 抽獎機會不放過午休時間留在辦公室啃麵包,吹冷氣兼上網,搜尋各種留言抽大獎之類的活動,卯起來參加。
第23招 綠化兼做人情在辦公桌養一盆薄荷之類的香草小盆栽,適時泡一大壺跟同事分享,反正平常澆水也是利用公司的水,泡茶熱水茶水間就有,促進人際關係不用花錢。
第24招 免費飲料喝過癮茶水間若有茶包或飲料即溶包,每天何必買飲料,當然要充分利用眼前資源才是王道。
第25招 下班後的免費娛樂下班後留在公司用辦公室的電腦打電動、看DVD,茶水間如果有免錢泡茶包順便泡一杯,娛樂不用多花錢,待久一點順便連家裡的冷氣費者省了大半
2007年8月7日 星期二
2007年7月28日 星期六
Hi all,
Please be informed not to open any zipped attachments from any contacts from Windows Live or MSN Messenger as there is a virus being spread through that way right now that have affected some users.If you open the attachment,it will keep spreading by sending it to all your contacts.
Please inform your users as well.
Please be informed not to open any zipped attachments from any contacts from Windows Live or MSN Messenger as there is a virus being spread through that way right now that have affected some users.If you open the attachment,it will keep spreading by sending it to all your contacts.
Please inform your users as well.
2007年7月26日 星期四
1.We are recognizing and we are taking some kind of action.
2.American government tries to nab/apprehend/ arrest terrorists at the airport, so the customs procedure becomes more complicated.
3."How do you teach unprincipled /unscrupulous children?" Sandra wondered.
4.I know you are not evil-minded/malicious, but I did get hurt.
5.Certain influences come into play. Certain factors become significant. Certian considerations becomes important.
6. My head was incoherent when I was sick.
7. Don't listen to the MP3 on the MRT, the noise was drowned out.
8. When you experience jet lag, your biological clock has been thrown off.
9. I don't think we can accept that plausible excuse/explanation.
2.American government tries to nab/apprehend/ arrest terrorists at the airport, so the customs procedure becomes more complicated.
3."How do you teach unprincipled /unscrupulous children?" Sandra wondered.
4.I know you are not evil-minded/malicious, but I did get hurt.
5.Certain influences come into play. Certain factors become significant. Certian considerations becomes important.
6. My head was incoherent when I was sick.
7. Don't listen to the MP3 on the MRT, the noise was drowned out.
8. When you experience jet lag, your biological clock has been thrown off.
9. I don't think we can accept that plausible excuse/explanation.
2007年7月6日 星期五
MSN 會傳送的檔案和你講說我有公司的照片要傳給你看, 或是家中的照片要傳給你看, 或是女兒的照片要傳給你看 昨天一個香港客戶傳給我, 結果, 我打開了...慘..啊 .. 請不要打開...那是你中毒了..,
近來有發現又有人好奇打開…MSN 傳送的檔案, 請務必遵循以下動作, 以免又發生群體中毒事件~~並請各位隨時注意自己的病毒碼是否有更新~~
Subject: 近日病毒肆虐-請注意msn所傳送過來的檔案
2.刪除 ie下的暫存區,路徑在 Internet Explore 工具下的 網際網路選項,在Temporary Internet file 下 刪除Cookie 及刪除檔案.
2007年6月29日 星期五
2007年6月28日 星期四
新的詐騙手法, 各位 請千萬別太好心!
前幾個星期, 真的有一個老婆婆要我幫她提錢. , 我跟她說我没辦法幫她.. 好險.. Eunice//
這年頭好心没好報.. 我同事說..利用人性善良的犯罪行為是非常可惡的, 請大家支持引進新加坡的鞭刑, 以痛懲這些歹徒, 否則進到監獄修練, 順便度幾個月的假, 出來又是害蟲一隻.
Subject: 世風日下人心不古...一定要看!! 否則遭殃的將會是你 ...
就先走了。後來發現她錢也沒領,人就走了,大家還是要提高警覺 !
朋友們要記住! !
會怕,是因為已有同事上當,目前仍官司纏身 。
~~~ 用力給他傳出去~~~
前幾個星期, 真的有一個老婆婆要我幫她提錢. , 我跟她說我没辦法幫她.. 好險.. Eunice//
這年頭好心没好報.. 我同事說..利用人性善良的犯罪行為是非常可惡的, 請大家支持引進新加坡的鞭刑, 以痛懲這些歹徒, 否則進到監獄修練, 順便度幾個月的假, 出來又是害蟲一隻.
Subject: 世風日下人心不古...一定要看!! 否則遭殃的將會是你 ...
就先走了。後來發現她錢也沒領,人就走了,大家還是要提高警覺 !
朋友們要記住! !
會怕,是因為已有同事上當,目前仍官司纏身 。
~~~ 用力給他傳出去~~~
2007年6月27日 星期三
期待畢旅 - Lily
2007年6月23日 星期六
忘了是自己的決定 還是大姊的邀約 我帶著林媽 奔往西安探望大姊 順便遊玩
這是林媽第一次出國 希望能圓滿開心 只是對於黑心大本營 也不敢奢望什麼
一到當地 大半年熱呼呼的西安 竟下起六天的雨 搞的原本怕中暑的我們 都要感冒了
西安位內陸 乾燥的令人猛灌水 口憐的林媽 某次尿急衝到公廁 竟是無門的臭水溝
不想尿褲子的林媽 只好抛開師奶矜持 咬牙跟它拼了
講給我及大姐聽時 我們還狂笑她 哈哈哈 結果我也遇到拉 西安火車站前
我及林媽付了錢衝進廁所 只見三位光屁屁陸女 這場景真的嚇倒我了 立即轉頭出來
回神後 我還是又進去上了 管它的 入境隨俗嘛
西安的好:治安不錯 人們頗和善 飲食平價 交通便利 (有小綠 taxi 哦) 歷史文化保護佳
西安的哎:民眾像活僵屍般亂過馬路 物資品質差種類少 對外來人極盡A錢之能事
嬌生慣養的大姐 竟然能忍受這一切可怕 還想到西安開店
林媽受到公廁震撼及幾天來的觀察 和我同時決定 再也不想來了 也許十年後吧
所以 永別了 西安~
- 原來 [西安] 是 [長安] 的啊 且為絲路起點 (歷史重修)
- 機票 NT$24,000 (貴啊~痛哭流涕) p.s 有13,000的票,但要在韓國等半天
- 人民幣:美元= 750 : 1
- 景點:兵馬俑/秦始皇陵/華清池/史博館/大雁塔
這是林媽第一次出國 希望能圓滿開心 只是對於黑心大本營 也不敢奢望什麼
一到當地 大半年熱呼呼的西安 竟下起六天的雨 搞的原本怕中暑的我們 都要感冒了
西安位內陸 乾燥的令人猛灌水 口憐的林媽 某次尿急衝到公廁 竟是無門的臭水溝
不想尿褲子的林媽 只好抛開師奶矜持 咬牙跟它拼了
講給我及大姐聽時 我們還狂笑她 哈哈哈 結果我也遇到拉 西安火車站前
我及林媽付了錢衝進廁所 只見三位光屁屁陸女 這場景真的嚇倒我了 立即轉頭出來
回神後 我還是又進去上了 管它的 入境隨俗嘛
西安的好:治安不錯 人們頗和善 飲食平價 交通便利 (有小綠 taxi 哦) 歷史文化保護佳
西安的哎:民眾像活僵屍般亂過馬路 物資品質差種類少 對外來人極盡A錢之能事
嬌生慣養的大姐 竟然能忍受這一切可怕 還想到西安開店
林媽受到公廁震撼及幾天來的觀察 和我同時決定 再也不想來了 也許十年後吧
所以 永別了 西安~
- 原來 [西安] 是 [長安] 的啊 且為絲路起點 (歷史重修)
- 機票 NT$24,000 (貴啊~痛哭流涕) p.s 有13,000的票,但要在韓國等半天
- 人民幣:美元= 750 : 1
- 景點:兵馬俑/秦始皇陵/華清池/史博館/大雁塔
Losing Wallet- :Don't judge a person by his appearance--06/23/2007( Eunice..again)
可能是畢業了,同學都没空寫東西, 那我就來寫一下我第一次掉錢包的事情好了..這是發生在五六年的事了..
Ilost my wallet two times. Speaking of the first experience, although I didn't catch the pickpocket in the act, I did know who did it. I think it was the time when I was pulling out a wad of notes to pay some bills at the post office that my wallet was stolen. The pickpocket was just standing beside me trying to send a registered letter with his name and telephone on the envelope. What impressed me most was he was sending a passport and he was good-looking and well-dressed. However, he and the other beautiful lady tried to push me back and forth. It made me uncomfortable at that time, so I took a glance at them. I was filling out some forms and didn't pay attention to that push. I was not aware of losing my wallet until I came back to the office. I was very anxious because inside my wallet I still had NT$9000, two credit cards and an ID card.
The first suspect that came to the top of my head was that good-looking guy and the lady. I called the bank to cancel the credit cards and called police immediately. I also requested a member of the staff in the post office to show the video tape to support my doubt. Unfortunately the surveillance camera didn't catch the action, but postal clerk held the envelope of the suspect in her hand. Therefore, I hoped they ccould give me that number, so that I could call the person. In fact, I was only 80% sure of him being the pickpocket. Originally, the postal clerk refused to reveal the person's information until the police came. I called the person and told him that the camera had already recorded what he did. I told him(bluffed him) if he can return my money back, I will not ask the police to take action. Luckily, he admitted his wrongdoings and returned my money back. but he said he threw away my ID card and credit cards. I am still wondering if he was related to some criminals who are good at issuing some fake passports today ??
Ilost my wallet two times. Speaking of the first experience, although I didn't catch the pickpocket in the act, I did know who did it. I think it was the time when I was pulling out a wad of notes to pay some bills at the post office that my wallet was stolen. The pickpocket was just standing beside me trying to send a registered letter with his name and telephone on the envelope. What impressed me most was he was sending a passport and he was good-looking and well-dressed. However, he and the other beautiful lady tried to push me back and forth. It made me uncomfortable at that time, so I took a glance at them. I was filling out some forms and didn't pay attention to that push. I was not aware of losing my wallet until I came back to the office. I was very anxious because inside my wallet I still had NT$9000, two credit cards and an ID card.
The first suspect that came to the top of my head was that good-looking guy and the lady. I called the bank to cancel the credit cards and called police immediately. I also requested a member of the staff in the post office to show the video tape to support my doubt. Unfortunately the surveillance camera didn't catch the action, but postal clerk held the envelope of the suspect in her hand. Therefore, I hoped they ccould give me that number, so that I could call the person. In fact, I was only 80% sure of him being the pickpocket. Originally, the postal clerk refused to reveal the person's information until the police came. I called the person and told him that the camera had already recorded what he did. I told him(bluffed him) if he can return my money back, I will not ask the police to take action. Luckily, he admitted his wrongdoings and returned my money back. but he said he threw away my ID card and credit cards. I am still wondering if he was related to some criminals who are good at issuing some fake passports today ??
2007年6月20日 星期三
Eunice -0620
今天我把遇到老師的心情講給專科的同學聽, 結果她說這是的我的個性問題, 好不容易畢業了. 老師終於可以不用再理我了(老師終於解脫了)...呵..呵.(苦笑)..這社會真是太現實了.. 搞了半天, 只有Jacquline 最能忍受我..
我有在陸續建立大家的代號, 大家可以動手建立自己的部落格, 然後直接連到這個網頁上面的座位號來連結分享心情..只要是不開心或是閒閒時或是很快樂都可以 來打打字.. 像我現在...没吃飯也還在打.. (因為受到打擊.一時吃不下.), 這個優點就是打錯了只要進來再修改即可, 不用擔心刪掉之前的留言..會被人看到..
如果建立了自己的部落格, 也不用擔心我去刪我的照片.. 除非你告訴我你的密碼..
剛剛把去中山大學的網站把計數器的程式抓過來.. 很高興..成功了 .YA! 但是計時器的程式有問題.好吧..改天再來研究. http://www.enc.hlc.edu.tw/study/counter.htm
這個網站有教一些小程式, 還不錯..(打算研究影音檔)
我有在陸續建立大家的代號, 大家可以動手建立自己的部落格, 然後直接連到這個網頁上面的座位號來連結分享心情..只要是不開心或是閒閒時或是很快樂都可以 來打打字.. 像我現在...没吃飯也還在打.. (因為受到打擊.一時吃不下.), 這個優點就是打錯了只要進來再修改即可, 不用擔心刪掉之前的留言..會被人看到..
如果建立了自己的部落格, 也不用擔心我去刪我的照片.. 除非你告訴我你的密碼..
剛剛把去中山大學的網站把計數器的程式抓過來.. 很高興..成功了 .YA! 但是計時器的程式有問題.好吧..改天再來研究. http://www.enc.hlc.edu.tw/study/counter.htm
這個網站有教一些小程式, 還不錯..(打算研究影音檔)
2007年6月18日 星期一
Commencement Ceremony -06/16/2007

June 16, 2007
(updated by Eunice Yang)
Dr. Lee -forensic export( 國際鑑識專家李昌鈺..一天只睡四小時..) 成為我們的學長.. 在台科大校長手中接下榮譽博士証書,成為台科大傑出校友.
他希望同學在職場上能秉持着誠信的精神,只要努力、每天走一步,有了起點就能朝成功邁進。 以下為當天演講的摘要...
Dr. Lee -forensic export( 國際鑑識專家李昌鈺..一天只睡四小時..) 成為我們的學長.. 在台科大校長手中接下榮譽博士証書,成為台科大傑出校友.
他希望同學在職場上能秉持着誠信的精神,只要努力、每天走一步,有了起點就能朝成功邁進。 以下為當天演講的摘要...
走對方向. 下定計劃. 建立團隊
1.Make impossible become possible 把不可能變成可能-> Inner Circle
knowledge in your brain
Strength in your body
courage in your heart
honesty in your mind
2. 團隊的力量The power of team work
3. 不要讓挫折打擊你, 將困難化為挑戰.
1.Make impossible become possible 把不可能變成可能-> Inner Circle
knowledge in your brain
Strength in your body
courage in your heart
honesty in your mind
2. 團隊的力量The power of team work
3. 不要讓挫折打擊你, 將困難化為挑戰.
4. Everything requires time. (每一件成功的事情都需要時間).
在工作中發現興趣, 在勞動中體會閒情,在信仰中取得真愛)..>建立Circle
在工作中發現興趣, 在勞動中體會閒情,在信仰中取得真愛)..>建立Circle

" Some people make things happened; some peope watch things happened; while others wonder what had happened.."
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